Better Than I Know Myself - 2017

Garment as Light.jpg
Valerie face shadow.jpg
Valerie face shadow.jpg
Valerie lightbox w shadow 1.jpg

Better Than I Know Myself is made of photography color gels cut, draped and sewn together in a shape that wraps around the body like armor.

This piece was conceptualized and created 2017 as an exploration of how clothing alters people’s perceptions of one another. The piece breaks up the audience’s view of the body into geometric, colorful shapes. As the wearer moves, the viewer gets different perspectives of the body; arms and torso collide into a colorful collage of shapes to create an almost kaleidescope view of the body as it moves.

This piece was inspired by research into interpersonal relationships and community dynamics.

Valerie lightbox 1.2.jpg
Valerie lightbox w shadow 1.jpg
Garment as Light (2).jpg
A quote from your research
— research source.